Экспортные формальности и процедуры

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English: Export formalities and procedures

Экспортные формальности и процедуры имеют национальные и региональные (например, ЕС[1], НАФТА[2], международные таможенные союзы) различия. Таким образом, абсолютно невозможно дать их все в рамках одной статьи. Однако основные определения и примеры к ним можно привести для лучшего понимания общих принципов этих формальностей и процедур.

В случае Европейского Союза,[3] экспортная процедура является обязательной для всех товаров ЕС, покидающих таможенную территорию ЕС за некоторыми, крайне редкими исключениями. Это имеет место в силу того факта, что данная процедура должна гарантировать правильное применение всех экспортных регулятивных мер, например: (a) ограничения экспорта и меры надзора за экспортом и (b) выплата экспортных возмещений за сельскохозяйственную продукцию[4].

The export procedure foresees, in principle, two stages:

  • (I) First the exporter/declarant presents the goods, his export declaration[5] and, where necessary, his export authorization or license at the customs office responsible for the place where he is established or where the goods are packed or loaded for export. If, for administrative reasons, this provision cannot be applied, the export declaration may be lodged with any customs office which is competent for the operation in question. Finally, an export declaration may also be accepted by a customs office other than that normally responsible, provided there are duly justified good reasons. The customs office to which the goods and the export declaration have been presented releases the goods for export on condition that they leave the EU customs territory in the same condition as when the declaration was accepted.
  • (II) Subsequently, the goods and a copy of the export declaration are presented to the customs office of exit which satisfies itself that the goods presented correspond to those declared and supervises their physical departure. In the case of goods exported by rail, post, air or sea, the customs office of exit may be the office competent for the place where the goods are taken over under a single transport contract for transport to a third country (e.g. port, airport, railway station).


  1. Guidelines for export procedures and exit formalities - http://ec.europa.eu/ecip/security_amendment/procedures/guidelines_en.htm
  2. NAFTA Info & Documents - http://www.exportassistance.com/documents-forms/nafta
  3. http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/procedural_aspects/export/procedure/index_en.htm
  4. The export of agricultural products to third countries: Export refunds - http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/markets/export_refunds/index_en.htm
  5. Customs declaration - http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/procedural_aspects/general/declaration/index_en.htm
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